Manitoba Trucking Association
Skills & Trades

The Manitoba Trucking Association is the voice of the trucking industry in Manitoba.
We are comprised of Carrier members and Associated Trades members. There are over 28,000 people who work in the trucking industry in Manitoba and we are growing.
Whether you want to drive big rigs, fix them or work in the office or warehouse, our members are looking to hire.
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The Trucking Industry of Manitoba
Traditionally, our industry goes about our work, making sure that what you need – the food, clothing, medicine, building supplies, fuel, vehicles, and more – gets to where you need it to be, and then we move on to the next shipment.
However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and then tightened supply chains, the profile of our industry has gone up. Not many people gave a thought to supply chains pre-2020; now everyone is using the term on a regular basis.
In Manitoba, it is estimated that well over 90% of goods are transported by truck at some point in their journey from producer/manufacturer to you, the customer. Some goods may travel most of their journey via another mode of transportation, but they still spend time on a truck to get to the retailer. The trucking industry connects Manitobans, and it helps ensure that Manitobans are able to achieve the quality of life to which they are accustomed. Trucking is an essential service.
Who are the people who work in this industry? They are your friends, your family, your neighbours, your kid’s coach or community leader. The trucking industry has opportunities for virtually everyone and virtually every skill set. Like to work with your hands and repair things? Consider being a technician. Like to move around and be outside? Dock worker might be an option. Want to get behind the wheel and see the open road? Consider life as a driver. Good with people? Dispatcher is a role to consider. Furthermore, there are skill sets required in our industry that are unrelated to the actual trucking aspect of the job. We need accountants, marketing & communications, HR, IT, sales, payroll clerks, the list goes on and on.
Not only is our industry open to those with diverse skill sets, but the skills you use today might not be the skills you use tomorrow. There is opportunity in our industry to wear a number of different hats in various roles throughout your career. Maybe you start as a driver and decide to move into the office to become a dispatcher. You might start out as a technician and grow your career into a sales role, or shop manager. There is room to grow your career in the trucking industry.
There are also options for drivers. You might start out hauling freight in dry vans, but as you gain experience and your career evolves, you take more training and specialize as a fuel hauler, flat deck driver, or over-dimensional driver moving large equipment. Maybe you start your career as a long-haul driver working across North America, but as life changes, you discover an opportunity as a city or regional driver.
If you are interested in working as a truck driver in Manitoba, there are training options available. Visit our website for details (trucking.mb.ca/careers/class-1-driver-training/), but the gist of the information is that your training to become a Class 1 truck driver can be paid for by the Province of Manitoba if you qualify. One of the issues faced by many newly graduated drivers is that they have their Class 1 license, but need two years’ experience to become a long-haul driver. Let’s be honest, the “can’t get hired without experience, can’t get experience without being hired” conundrum isn’t unique to the trucking industry. However, there are many reputable companies willing to take on new drivers; the caveat is that while they are prepared to invest in the driver you will become, they are hiring you for the skills you have today. You might not be enjoying the California sun just yet, but you are building your career.
Manitoba’s trucking industry is ready to grow, and we want you to join us. There is a job for you now, and opportunities in the future for career growth. Talk to someone in Manitoba’s trucking industry and see what we have to offer.